Tuesday 2 December 2008

A typical HE day with two girls aged 7 and 3

The following is an excerpt from a home educating family's weblog:

I am going to nominate today as the home-ed day in photos meme [please
see previous in sidebar!], and will hopefully get the photos up! it is
atypical, because i was at home, because i bailed out of a group today
and declared duvet, and rainbows was cancelled. maybe chris will do one
as well! thing is, i prob need the photos to remember what we did

8:00 they were both up with chris, so they prob watched
something! had breakfast

9:00 I'm up! BB is doing alphabetting
[using alphabet stencils to write the letters] SB is colouring
a rainbows picture, and then looking at the difference
between the roman alphabet and ours. i read some
dinodoor books with BB, we all do family members in
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10:00 getting dressed and cleaning teeth. i look round
at house and decided to spend the day in the garden! [ in fact t-bird
gave me the idea with her tent-ed] SB makes a great go at
putting up mini-tent [with BB being not too unhelpful,
and even nearly helping on occasion!] . I shew them my bag of selected
options [not exclusive, they could have gone and got somethig else], and
both started with colouring. BB with crayons in a bible
book [bought by chris's parents] and SB in pencil on nice paper. She
drew the garden first, and then started drawing my portrait.BB did some
before the code.

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11:00 sees us discussing the weather in
french - well, learning some of the weather words and
popping them into saying it is hot and sunny. we read part of a book
about food chains, and then had a fruit break. SB chose
the ladybird book about the spanish armada [no I'm
arder!] for me to read to her. BB liked the guns, and then went off to
play in the garden. [I am concerned about her!]

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12:00 sees SB doing singapore maths 2B
[halfway through] and BB and i looking at the extremely greedy
eating all the fat balls, and deciding to have a go
at making our own. with a break for a who has the silliest face
. SB finishes her maths and does it with us.

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13:00 mostly lunchtime. SB made lunch
whilst i put lard [yuk what a truly awful smell, but the birds have
never eaten them when made with veggie fat] over our nut, fruit, seed
and mealworm mix. SB made peanut butter sarnies for BB, avocado
sandwiches for me [using same knife, so slightly unusual!] and cheese
for her [fresh knife!] and we watched some nina and the
. About now i thought, ooh, we have done alot today,
lets make it our photoblog day! luckily i always take a lot of photo
when i am at home to prove i was there. BB did some fab
geomags - she wanted to make a square [cube]

14:00 BB did a short violin practice -
mostly just enjoying making noise. chris and BB went off to get some
pallets from the orchard down the road to use to make an ad hoc empty
compost bin [we have filled all of ours] . SB was going to do violin,
but took rather a long time getting organised about it! we did do a
violin practice too.

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15:00 has us back out in the garden.
BB in the sandpit and SB drawing with fabric pens on a
white t-shirt. both then did lots of playing in
sandpit, with water, on slide etc. chris made compost
bin, i played hide and seek, and took some flower photos.

16:00 children happily playing, SB did some pot
watering and had an icecream. i potted up the yard long
and put into greenhouse [oops, forgot to say that in the
garden blog - must put that right!]

17:00 no more photos. both girls in desperate need of
a bath!! after that some tidying up in the garden by me, whilst they
watched pingu. a recap on french words we have looked
at today.
18:30 judo for SB, i read bob the
builder books to BB, we had tea and I put BB to bed.

19:30 SB home and fed, a short look at zoo
tycoon for DS
and then also to bed [by chris] whilst i potted
up toms and cucurbits.

21:00 with the binging of the church bells, the tv
switched on and we watch the apprentice and blog. the
end of atypical home ed day. with thanks to katy for being understanding
of me need to duvet, as we should have been doing science and latin in
the morning, which we do all really enjoy. i just needed some home time.


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